Conditions of Hire
Proof of identity and deposit
Without exception, at least 1 form of recognised photographic ID must be presented on hire (of which a copy / photograph will be retained until full return and test of equipment hired) and one secondary item - a utility bill, bank statement, residential lease or similar item from a recognised Utility bank or public body which shows the hirers address and matches the photo ID presented:
- ID type 1: drivers licence, recognised proof of age or concession card, or passport and;
- ID type 2: utility bill or bank correspondence with current residential address.
All dry-hires incur a $200 cash security deposit which will be refunded in full on return of all hired equipment in full working order and with no damage. Loss or damage to equipment may result in partial or full loss of the security deposit, and further does not preclude Element ICT from undertaking further action to recover its losses to the full extent permitted by law. By proceeding with a hire, the hirer expressly acknowledges their consent and understanding of these security deposit conditions.
NOTE: Equipment hired without operator services / setup may only be used open air if corresponding publicly available weather forecast - viewed at least 24 hours in advance - shows dry conditions, or if hirer acknowledges open-air but ‘covered’ usage.
No equipment is to be left uncovered, powered on or operated in the event of rain, and must be fully covered or removed to an indoor area if any adverse weather conditions develop.
Hirers obligations
For all hires where equipment is provided by, but not installed, managed, operated, serviced, maintained, moved or shipped, rigged or de-rigged, dismounted or repackaged by Element ICT (this being known as a ‘Dry Hire’ with or without the provision of optional delivery), the hirer is fully liable for all loss or damage to equipment under hire whilst equipment is in their control.
The hirer is responsible for all claims and liabilities which arise relating to the set-up or use of this equipment, except where transfer of liability is expressly prohibited by law. For an abundance of clarity, the laws and regulations of the state of New South Wales shall apply relating to any such claim or dispute.
By proceeding with a hire, the hiring party understands and acknowledges that in the event of loss of, damage to, or destruction of equipment that it may be liable for full such replacement cost of equipment.
Further the hirer affirms and understands that whilst Element ICT will make every effort to provide suitable, adequately maintained equipment free of material defect and suitable for the requirement advised by the customer that any loss or liability which may be incurred subject to damage to, failure of, loss or incorrect use of equipment (such incorrect use being outside the publicly available specifications, documentations, user manual or design guidance for this equipment) that Element ICT shall not be liable for such losses.
The hirer also understands and acknowledges that for all ‘Dry Hire’(s) Element ICT cannot be held liable for loss, injury or damage to third parties and or their assets or possessions through an act or omission, reckless or misdirected in nature, outside the direct control of Element ICT.
Payment terms
By default, Element ICT requires full payment in advance for all customers without established credit accounts, however Element ICT may at its discretion offer payment terms or split payment amounts due into payment milestones, which may include a surcharge for the provision of such payment milestones.
Should payment remittance not occur against defined payment milestones, Element ICT reserves the right to terminate the hire without notice, and to recover all such equipment currently in possession of the hirer.
Further, should Element ICT incur additional expense due to the recovery of equipment – such expenses including time, equipment costs, labour and fuel, then we reserve the right to pass on these costs in full.
Transfer of service
Element ICT may choose to contract some or all of the quoted service or equipment offerings through one or more of its established cross-hire partnerships, however will remain directly responsible for, and the primary contact and billing point for all contracted hire or equipment.
Force majeure
Element ICT will make every effort to wholly fulfil the offered service or provision of equipment however cannot be held liable for failure to deliver or provide service in the event of force majeure.
Set-up and installation safe practices and the hirers obligations
Always take a safety-first approach during set-up and operation:
- Hirer is responsible for all damage to equipment and the security deposit may be lost in full should any equipment be returned in a damaged or non-working state.
- Always consider a secondary mounting or safety cable for any equipment in high-traffic areas or elevated at height.
- Consider the application of high visibility marking / hazard tape to speaker stands to reduce trip hazards, or the use of cones or barriers as applicable.
- If mounting speakers on stands, place stands away from audience and passing persons
- Ensure stand legs are deployed in as wide as configuration as the supplied stand permits - this is usually ensured by monitoring the position of the bracing arms on the tripod legs, and once the bracing arms are horizontal, this will typically indicate that the legs are at their widest position
- Ensure all stand nuts and safety catches are fully engaged
- Place speaker at lowest practical height to lower centre of gravity and reduce tip or over-balance hazards caused by impact or wind conditions
- Ensure finger-nut at base of speaker stand hole is tightened
- Always run cables in a manner to reduce trip hazards and where applicable, consider the use of cable covers
- Always use an RCD protected socket when available
- Check all cables for wear, cuts and damage at every use - DO NOT USE broken or damaged audio or power cables
- DO NOT use mains powered equipment or leads do not have an up-to-date tag test label
- Consider taping of cables where practical using good quality duct or gaffer tape
- Audio equipment in our inventory is capable or creating high volumes which when operated at excess levels may cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. Be aware of your audience and output volumes and always operate audio equipment at the lowest practical volumes.
- Musicians or band members should always be aware of both Front of House audio volume and the volume of any holdback system(s) and operate these at the lowest practical volumes for the event.
By proceeding with a hire, the hirer expressly acknowledges their understanding of and compliance to these hire terms and conditions which may be updated from time to time, and waived in whole or in part at the sole discretion of Element ICT.
Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
Last updated: April 2019